Calibrating Inclusive Sporting Encounters


Kick-off Calibrating Inclusive Sporting Encounters

On Monday December 2nd 2019, the kick-off of the project Calibrating Inclusive Sporting Encounters took place in Galgenwaard Stadium in Utrecht. The researchers and social partners of the CISE-project met to discuss expecations, chances and opportunities. Together, we look back to an interesting kick-off of a four year lasting research project in which inclusive sporting encounters take central stage.


The CISE-project is carried out under the direction of dr. Maikel Waardenburg (Governance, Utrecht University) in cooperation with colleagues from the department Social Geography and Planning (UU), the department of Industrial Design (TU/e), the Lectorate Move to Be (Fontys University of Applied Sciences on Sports) and the Lectorate Participation and Urban Development (Utrecht School of Applied Sciences). The local and social partners are also closely involved: Vereniging Sport en Gemeenten (VSG), stichting Life Goals, the Utrecht en Eindhoven municipalities, SportUtrecht, FC Utrecht, PSV Foundation and the sportsinnovator-centre InnoSportlab Sport & Beweeg.